Heat Treatment Furnaces for Automobile Machine Parts
Continuous Gas Carburizing Furnaces
■Roller Hearth Type Continuous Gas Carburizing Furnaces
This unit handles multiple-variety large-quantity manufacturing, and features the latest in Chugai Ro’s roller hearth technology. Its many advanced features include the integration of the burn-off furnace and carburizing furnace through our hot vestibule design, zoning with intermediate doors, isolation of the holding zone, and adoption of a transfer type quench tank.
All these features combine to form a high quality, highly productive unit with greatly improved energy efficiency.
■Tray Pusher Type Continuous Gas Carburizing Furnaces
This compact piece of equipment, which includes improvements to the popular pusher type continuous furnace, is ideal for small-variety large-quantity manufacture. By using intermediate doors to separate the furnace into three chambers (the burn-off/heating chamber, carburizing/diffusion chamber, and holding chamber), this energy-efficient furnace reduces energy consumption by 36% when compared to conventional types.