Website and Privacy Policies

Personal Information Protection Declaration (Privacy Policy)

Chugai Ro Co., Ltd., its subsidiaries and affiliates (“Chugai Ro Group”) recognize the importance of protecting personal information within an advanced information-communication society and have therefore instituted the following policies for ensuring that customers’ personal information is protected.

1. [Legal Compliance]

The Chugai Ro Group shall comply with Japan’s Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other relevant legislation, as well as with those policies and regulations which have been established by the Group, such as this Privacy Policy, when handling personal information.

2. [Obtaining Personal Information]

The Chugai Ro Group shall obtain only that personal information which is necessary for the performance of its business and shall obtain this information via fair and appropriate means.

3. [Intended Uses for Personal Information]

The Chugai Ro Group shall use personal information for only those purposes stated at the time of its collection and only to the extent necessary for the performance of its business. These limitations shall not apply, however, when the person in question has provided prior consent, when legally compelled or when other legally justifiable circumstances are present.

4. [Disclosure, Notification and Clarification of Intended Uses]

Except when the intended uses have already been disclosed, the Chugai Ro Group shall promptly notify or disclose to the person or persons in question the intended uses of personal information collected from them. Before obtaining personal information directly from a person in writing, clarification of the intended uses for the information shall be provided.

5. [Safety Control Measures]

The Chugai Ro Group shall ensure that the personal data it handles is accurate and up-to-date and shall manage this data safely. All necessary and appropriate data security measures shall be taken to prevent the loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, etc., of personal information.

6. [Prohibition against Provision to Third Parties]

Except when stipulated by law or when the person in question has given prior consent, the Chugai Ro Group shall not provide personal information to third parties.

7. [Disclosure, Correction and Suspension of Use]

Upon receiving a request from the person in question to disclose, correct, suspend use of, etc., his or her personal information, the Chugai Ro Group shall promptly respond to this request in accordance with the law.

8. [Handling of Complaints]

The Chugai Ro Group shall endeavor to provide a sincere and prompt response to requests and complaints from individuals about how their personal information is handled.

9. [Continuing Improvement]

The Chugai Ro Group shall endeavor to continually improve its privacy policies in light of developments in information technology, changes in society and other factors.